Designed for Travelers
Never Miss Your Stop
With Buzz
The must-have app for city travelers, ensuring you never miss a stop while exploring bustling urban landscapes
Do you remember your first ride on the New York Transit?
When traveling in New York, facing its complex and outdated transit system, not knowing when to get off can be stressful. That's where BUZZ comes in. It lets you know exactly when to get off, making your trip easier.
Buzz is here to help
Buzz helps you never miss your stop
BUZZ offers an on-time alarm to remind you when to get off and provides clear instructions for navigating between stops, ensuring a hassle-free travel experience.
Buzz is here to help
Traveller-tailored Design
The attractions-oriented design helps travelers easily find their destinations in the app.
UnderstandING USERS
Three words to describe your cabin Experience
To explore common problems and negative experiences people encounter with public transportation, 42 participants were invited to describe their feelings about their transit experience during the exploratory research phase. A total of 46 words were collected. The terms "uncertain," "nervous," and "confused" were mentioned by over 50% of participants.
User Insights
Insights into Navigation and Attraction Focus
To understand what contributes to negative experiences in public cabins, 5 participants were interviewed to gain deeper insights. Two key insights were identified.
Has to pay attention to figure out where should get off
More conscious about attraction name not the stops name
Design Exploration & Testing
Quick fail, quick success. After creating a sketch and conducting mid-fidelity exploration, I invited 5 users to participate in usability testing.
Step 1: Sketch
Step 2: Mid-Fidelity Design
Step 3: Usability Testing
Design Iteration
Three main iterations were made based on the common usability problems we identified during testing.
Add the attraction name to the route information so that users who are familiar with it can easily recognize their destination.
Use clear icons and graphics to help users easily identify the information.
Using a countdown to display the bus schedule is more intuitive for travelers.
Progress information added to clearly show users where they are and how many stops are left.
By improving this feature, users won’t need to perform mental calculations anymore.
An Intuitive Solution
I received positive feedback from users on the iterated design, indicating significant improvements in page intuitiveness, task efficiency, and user satisfaction.
It's super intuitive. it always shows where I am and how many stops are left, which definitely helps reduce the stress of traveling in a new city.
4.6 out of 5 for easy of use
Reduction in time to complete the task