



UX Design



UX Design


Jan. - March. 2022

5 weeks


Design Challenge

Many customers find it hard to locate certain items in grocery stores, which frustrates them and negatively affects their shopping experience.


FeshNavi is an intelligent grocery shopping cart that customizes the optimal shopping route for customers and supports item search and payment, providing a seamless shopping experience for grocery shoppers.


FreshNavi provides the optimal shopping route based on the scanned shopping list.

FreshNavi uses AR technology to provide intuitive and clear instructions.

Customers can use FreshNavi to search for a product and easily locate its location.

Customers can also skip long lines and check out using FreshNavi.


Many grocery retailers incorporate innovative technology to improve the customer experience and increase retention and loyalty.

Amazon Go

Coop Italia

Scan Bag Go

Most of them focus on shortening or diminishing waiting times during the checkout process, but many problems remain. For this project, I concentrated on identifying other issues customers might encounter.

Current Journey Map
Based on the data from interview and observation, I mapped the current customer journey to dentify pain points and unspoken needs.


1. Customers often create shopping lists to ensure they purchase all required items while keeping their spending in check.

2. Customers consistently experience challenges in locating items even in stores they regularly visit.

3.  The existing service does not effectively assist customers in finding the items they need



I invited five users to participate in the usability testing. By observing how they interacted with the prototype, I recorded all the pain points they encountered and identified the common ones.

User Task 1

The goal of Task One was to examine the process of scanning the shopping list and completing the shopping task with FreshNavi. Participants were asked to scan the shopping list, follow the route, scan the items using FreshNavi, and finally check out on the system.


Design System
The use of green as the primary color for FreshNavi smart shopping carts is a strategic choice to evoke freshness and offer a stress-free experience. Green symbolizes growth, freshness, and nature, while also providing a calming effect to ensure a pleasant shopping experience.


Let’s Shopping with Charlers!

Charles receives the shopping list from his wife for their family's meals for the next week.

Encounters FreshNavi

Charles arrives at the supermarket and grabs a smart shopping cart at the entrance.

Scans the Shopping List

Charles scans the shopping list provided by his wife at FreshNavi.

Follows the AR Navigation to Shop

Charles follows the AR navigation to pick up all the items on his list.

Checkouts with FreshNavi

After Charles finishes the shopping task, he does a quick checkout at FreshNavi, skipping the long line at the checkout station.

Interact With Prototype


This project experience allowed me to start thinking about balancing business goals and user experience. Grocery stores usually rearrange their layout for business reasons, such as encouraging customers to impulse-buy more items and placing best-selling products at the front. These changes can sometimes sacrifice the customer experience in the store.

FreshNavi not only improves customers' shopping efficiency but also has the potential to recommend more products to them.